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Are humans a mistake of creation?

 I have been thinking about death, about coronavirus disease and it's repercussions. 2020 had been a year that has turned everyone's world-view. Well, almost everyone's. There are many crazy nutters who still think that it was a fabrication or a conspiracy, but I am not talking about them. I am talking about sane people who think that it was what it was, a disease that stopped the rat-race in its track. God ordained full-stop for some and God gifted pause button for the rest. The interesting thing is that during this time, while the humans stood still, nature reclaimed its territories, indicating that all is not yet lost. It is time that we should wake up from our slumber and do what needs to be done. Preserve nature as there is no other planet! If we can act responsibly, we may be able to save it. Otherwise, it may be time for our replacement. Because if there is a Creator, He would not let his creation go to waste because of some selfish species that He created by mistake
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Are all equal in the eyes of God?

I think that the answer is NO! Even the sun doesn't shine equally on all parts of the planet! Religions have painted the picture of equality among humans that is far from the truth. It is just like a nurse telling you that the needle prick won't hurt. It is a 'white lie'. Something that may make you complacent, but is definitely not the truth.  Now I have a better statement for everyone to consider: 'All are equal in the eyes of good people.' Now, this is a statement that can be considered true. Does it mean that all good people believe in equality? No. Does it mean that whoever does not believe in equality is not good? No. It just means what it says, All are equal in the eyes of GOOD PEOPLE! They are the ones that try to attain equality on every front, in all aspects of society. An unattainable goal, but a goal, nevertheless! I must admit that this is a constant fight. As our civilization matures, disparity, the opposite of equality will keep on raising its hea